Rebuilding After Domestic Violence: A Journey of Faith
Explore the spiritual journey of healing after domestic violence, with faith and trust in God as key to rebuilding life.
10/4/20241 min read

For those who have experienced domestic violence, moving forward is more than just a matter of "moving on." As shared in N.E.W. L.I.F.E.: From Victim to Victory, with God’s Help by Michelle Goodwine, rebuilding your life means leaning into faith and trust in God. This deep faith is essential for survivors to find true healing and peace. Survivors often face a long, challenging road to recovery, and it's important to understand that it takes more than time—it requires intention, support, and spiritual healing. With faith in God, survivors can transform their pain into strength, their trauma into testimonies of resilience. As we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let's remind those affected that they are not alone. Help is available, and through faith, healing is possible.