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About us

Welcome to the New Life Today Blog, a Christian platform dedicated to empowering domestic violence victims and survivors as they rebuild their lives through faith. Since its inception, the blog has been committed to providing individuals with the guidance, tools, and resources necessary to rediscover their God-given purpose. Whether you’re recovering from an abusive relationship, battling addiction, or navigating life’s challenges, New Life Today is here to help you step into the abundant life God has promised.

Founded by Minister Michelle Goodwine in 2014, the New Life Today Blog offers a wealth of Bible-based content, practical advice, and motivational support to help you on your journey. Minister Goodwine, a seasoned Baptist minister, entrepreneur, marketing and HR consultant, and writer, shares her personal story of overcoming abuse and finding a new path through God’s grace and mercy.

With over 16 years of writing experience, Minister Goodwine’s work has been featured in esteemed publications such as the Capital Region Business Review, Classique, and the Baptist Carrier. Her columns, including Webwatch and Christian Webwatch, have inspired countless readers with insights on faith, business, and personal growth.

Minister Goodwine knows firsthand the power of starting over. Fleeing an abusive marriage with nothing but the clothes on her back, she relocated to a place where she had no support system or job. Through God’s divine intervention, she built a new life for herself and her daughter. The New Life Today Blog serves as her platform to share these lessons of faith, hope, and healing, providing the same opportunities for transformation to others.

At New Life Today, we believe in the power of faith to change lives. Join us as we walk together on this path to victory, relying on God’s love and mercy to guide every step.